1. Zamanı Belirtmek: She wakes up at 7 o’clock every morning.
2. Yer Belirtmek: The book is on the table.
3. Bir Şeyi Açıklamak: Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
4. Birinin Yaptığı İşi Belirtmek: He works as a teacher.
5. Zorunluluk: You must wear a seatbelt while driving.
6. İstek Belirtmek: I want a glass of water.
7. Hava Durumu: It is raining today.
8. Gelecekten Bahsetmek: We will go to the movie tonight.
9. Sebep-Sonuç: He missed the bus because he woke up late.
10. Tercih Belirtme: I prefer tea to coffee.
11. Hobi Belirtme: She likes to play tennis on weekends.
12. Tahminde Bulunma: I think it will rain tomorrow.
13. Karşılaştırma Yapma: He is taller than his brother.
14. Duygu Durumu İfade Etme: She felt sad after the movie.
15. Davranış İncelemesi: He always says please and thank you.
16. Miktar Belirtme: I bought five apples.
17. Tekrarlama: I visit my grandparents every Sunday.
18. Yasak Koyma: You shouldn’t smoke in here.
19. Öneride Bulunma: Maybe you should try calling him.
20. Vasita İle Seyahat: They traveled by train.