Future Tense Cümle Örnekleri İngilizce

In Cümle Örnekleri
Temmuz 10, 2024

İngilizce gelecek zaman (future tense), gelecekte gerçekleşecek olayları veya eylemleri ifade etmek için kullanılır. İşte farklı yapılar kullanılarak oluşturulmuş gelecek zaman örnek cümleleri:

1. Simple Future Tense (Basit Gelecek Zaman):
– I will go to the cinema tomorrow.
– She will cook dinner tonight.
– They will start a new job next month.

2. Going to Future Tense:
– I am going to travel to Spain next year.
– He is going to buy a new car.
– We are going to renovate our house.

3. Future Continuous Tense (Gelecek Devam Zamanı):
– I will be waiting for you at the station.
– She will be studying at the library tonight.
– They will be working all day tomorrow.

4. Future Perfect Tense (Gelecek Tamamlanmış Zaman):
– I will have finished my homework by 8 PM.
– By the time you arrive, she will have left.
– They will have completed the project before the deadline.

5. Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Gelecek Tamamlanmış Devam Zamanı):
– I will have been living here for three years by next month.
– He will have been working at that company for five years by the time he quits.
– By 2025, scientists will have been researching this technology for over a decade.

Bu yapılar, İngilizcede gelecek ile ilgili çeşitli senaryoları ifade etmek için kullanılır. Öğrenirken bu örnek cümlelerden faydalanabilirsin.