Title: The Impact of Physical Activity on Mental Well-being in Young Adults
Abstract This study investigates the correlation between physical activity and mental well-being in young adults. Data were collected from 200 participants aged 18-30 through a combination of self-reported surveys and physical assessments. Results indicate a significant positive correlation between regular physical activity and markers of mental well-being, including reduced levels of stress and anxiety, and improved mood and sleep quality.
IntroductionMental health problems among young adults have been increasing in recent years. This study explores whether engaging in regular physical activity can serve as an effective strategy for improving mental well-being in this population.
Participants (N=200) were recruited from a university population. Physical activity was measured using a self-reported survey and verified with biometric assessments, including heart rate and body mass index. Mental well-being was assessed using the standardized General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12).ResultsOur analysis revealed a significant positive correlation between regular physical activity and mental well-being (r = 0.56, p < 0.001). Participants who engaged in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week reported lower levels of stress and anxiety and improved mood and sleep quality compared to those who were less active.
DiscussionThis study supports the hypothesis that physical activity is positively associated with mental well-being in young adults. These findings are consistent with previous research suggesting that exercise may have protective effects against mental health disorders. It is possible that physical activity acts as a form of self-care that helps individuals to manage stress and improve mood.
ConclusionsOur findings suggest that regular physical activity is significantly correlated with improved mental well-being among young adults. Health professionals should consider recommending regular exercise as a preventative and therapeutic strategy for mental health problems in this population.AcknowledgementsWe thank the participants for their time and the university for supporting this research.
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