Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey, was not only a military and political leader but also a source of inspiration and wisdom for his nation. His words have been guiding principles for the Turkish Republic and its citizens. Below are some of his notable quotes translated into English:
1. “Peace at home, peace in the world.” (Turkish: “Yurtta sulh, cihanda sulh.”)
– This quote reflects Atatürk’s foreign policy principle, emphasizing the importance of establishing and maintaining peace within the nation to ensure peace globally.
2. “Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the people.” (Turkish: “Egemenlik, kayıtsız şartsız milletindir.”)
– This statement underlines the fundamental democratic principle that the power and authority of governance reside with the people.
3. “Culture is the foundation of the Turkish Republic.” (Turkish: “Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin temeli kültürdür.”)
– Atatürk placed great importance on culture, education, and the arts as the cornerstones of a modern, progressive nation.
4. “The future is in the skies.” (Turkish: “Gelecek göklerdedir.”)
– With this quote, Atatürk highlighted the significance of advancement in aviation and technology for the progress of a nation.
5. “A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.” (Turkish: “İyi bir öğretmen, başkalarına ışık tutmak için kendini tüketen bir mum gibidir.”)
– Atatürk valued education and educators, recognizing their role in shaping future generations.
6. “Science is the most reliable guide in life.” (Turkish: “Hayatta en hakiki mürşit ilimdir.”)
– He promoted the importance of science and rational thinking as guiding principles for a nation’s development.
7. “Success in life is not measured by what you achieve, but by the obstacles you overcome.” (Turkish: “Hayattaki başarı, ne elde ettiğinizle değil, üstesinden geldiğiniz engellerle ölçülür.”)
– This quote encourages perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges.
8. “Unless a nation’s life faces peril, war is murder.” (Turkish: “Bir milletin hayatı tehlikeye girmediği sürece, savaş bir cinayettir.”)
– Atatürk was a proponent of peace and saw war as a last resort to be justified only when a nation’s survival is at stake.
9. “To see me does not necessarily mean to see my face. To understand my thoughts is to have seen me.” (Turkish: “Beni görmek demek, mutlaka yüzümü görmek demek değildir. Benim fikirlerimi, benim duygularımı anlıyorsanız ve hissediyorsanız bu kâfidir.”)
– Atatürk emphasized the importance of his ideas and principles over his physical presence.
10. “To write history is as important as to make history. If the writer does not remain true to the maker, then the unchanging fact of history is lost.” (Turkish: “Tarih yazmak, tarih yapmak kadar mühimdir. Yazan, yapana sadık kalmazsa, değişmeyen hakikat ortadan kalkar.”)
– He recognized the significance of recording history accurately and truthfully for future generations.
These quotes reflect Atatürk’s vision for Turkey and his enduring legacy as a reformer and a leader who sought to modernize and elevate his country on the world stage.