5 Tane Öneri Cümlesi İngilizce

In Cümle Örnekleri
Mayıs 01, 2024

İngilizce öneri cümleleri genellikle “should”, “could” ve “would” gibi modal fiillerle veya “why don’t you” gibi ifadelerle kurulabilir. İşte bazı örnekler:

1. Should kullanarak öneri: “You should check the weather forecast before you go hiking.”
2. Could kullanarak öneri: “You could try the new Italian restaurant for dinner; I’ve heard it’s great.”
3. Would kullanarak nazik öneri: “Would you like me to help you with your homework?”
4. Why don’t you kullanarak öneri: “Why don’t you call your brother for advice? He might help you.”
5. Suggesting with ‘How about’: “How about going to the cinema tonight?”