Pasif yapılarda, cümlenin öznesi, fiilin yapıldığı işin etkisini geçirirken, aktif yapılarda özne, eylemi doğrudan gerçekleştirir. İşte her iki yapıya örnekler:
Aktif: The chef cooks the meal.
Pasif: The meal is cooked by the chef.
Aktif: The artist painted a beautiful landscape.
Pasif: A beautiful landscape was painted by the artis
Aktif: The teacher explains the lesson.
Pasif: The lesson is explained by the teacher.
Aktif: The gardener waters the plants every morning.
Pasif: The plants are watered by the gardener every morning.
Aktif: The children broke the window.
Pasif: The window was broken by the children.
Aktif: The programmer is writing a new code.
Pasif: A new code is being written by the programmer.
Aktif: The singer will release a new song.
Pasif: A new song will be released by the singer.
Aktif: The mechanic fixed the car.
Pasif: The car was fixed by the mechanic.
Aktif: The author wrote a novel.
Pasif: A novel was written by the author.
Aktif: Employees are filing the reports.
Pasif: The reports are being filed by the employees.